Refine allows you to include any UI in your project and take full advantage of all its features without worrying about compatibility. To create a project with a vintage Windows95
style using React95 UI components, we can use the Refine because it is headless .
Introduction In this tutorial, we will use Supabase as the backend of our project. Our goal with this is to create a Windows95
-style admin panel using Refine and Supabase Data Provider features.
Create a new Refine app Let's start by creating our Refine project. We'll use the npm create refine-app
command to interactively initialize the project.
npm create refine-app@latest refine-with-react95
Select the following options when prompted:
✔ Choose a project template · refine-vite ✔ What would you like to name your project?: · refine-with-react95 ✔ Choose your backend service to connect: · Supabase ✔ Do you want to use a UI Framework?: · Headless ✔ Do you want to add example pages?: · No ✔ Do you need i18n ( Internationalization ) support?: · No ✔ Choose a package manager: · npm
That's it! After the installation process is finished, our Refine project is ready. Before we start editing our project, we need to install the react95
and styled-components
npm i react95 styled-components
Also, we need to install the types for typescript support.
npm i -D @types/styled-components
Once the installation is complete, we can start editing our project.
Overview of the created project Refine provides us with a ready-to-use project according to the options we choose during the installation process. Let's take a look at the files and folders created by Refine .
Supabase Client By default, Refine creates a supabaseClient
for you in the src/utility/supabaseClient.ts
file. You can see the default code below.
src/utility/supabaseClient.ts src/utility/supabaseClient.ts
import { createClient } from "@refinedev/supabase" ; const SUPABASE_URL = "" ; const SUPABASE_KEY = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoiYW5vbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzMDU2NzAxMCwiZXhwIjoxOTQ2MTQzMDEwfQ._gr6kXGkQBi9BM9dx5vKaNKYj_DJN1xlkarprGpM_fU" ; export const supabaseClient = createClient ( SUPABASE_URL , SUPABASE_KEY , { db : { schema : "public" , } , auth : { persistSession : true , } , } ) ;
The supabaseClient
will be used by the @refinedev/supabase
package to create a dataProvider
for us.
You can learn more about the it in the Data Provider section.
AuthProvider By default, Refine also creates an authProvider
for you in the src/authProvider.ts
file. You can see the default code below.
src/authProvider.ts import { AuthProvider } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { supabaseClient } from "utility" ; const authProvider : AuthProvider = { login : async ( { email , password , providerName } ) => { try { if ( providerName ) { const { data , error } = await supabaseClient . auth . signInWithOAuth ( { provider : providerName , } ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } if ( data ?. url ) { return { success : true , redirectTo : "/" , } ; } } const { data , error } = await supabaseClient . auth . signInWithPassword ( { email , password , } ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } if ( data ?. user ) { return { success : true , redirectTo : "/" , } ; } } catch ( error : any ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } return { success : false , error : { message : "Login failed" , name : "Invalid email or password" , } , } ; } , register : async ( { email , password } ) => { try { const { data , error } = await supabaseClient . auth . signUp ( { email , password , } ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } if ( data ) { return { success : true , redirectTo : "/" , } ; } } catch ( error : any ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } return { success : false , error : { message : "Register failed" , name : "Invalid email or password" , } , } ; } , forgotPassword : async ( { email } ) => { try { const { data , error } = await supabaseClient . auth . resetPasswordForEmail ( email , { redirectTo : ` ${ window . location . origin } /update-password ` , } , ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } if ( data ) { return { success : true , } ; } } catch ( error : any ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } return { success : false , error : { message : "Forgot password failed" , name : "Invalid email" , } , } ; } , updatePassword : async ( { password } ) => { try { const { data , error } = await supabaseClient . auth . updateUser ( { password , } ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } if ( data ) { return { success : true , redirectTo : "/" , } ; } } catch ( error : any ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } return { success : false , error : { message : "Update password failed" , name : "Invalid password" , } , } ; } , logout : async ( ) => { const { error } = await supabaseClient . auth . signOut ( ) ; if ( error ) { return { success : false , error , } ; } return { success : true , redirectTo : "/" , } ; } , onError : async ( error ) => { console . error ( error ) ; return { error } ; } , check : async ( ) => { try { const { data } = await supabaseClient . auth . getSession ( ) ; const { session } = data ; if ( ! session ) { return { authenticated : false , error : { message : "Check failed" , name : "Session not found" , } , logout : true , redirectTo : "/login" , } ; } } catch ( error : any ) { return { authenticated : false , error : error || { message : "Check failed" , name : "Not authenticated" , } , logout : true , redirectTo : "/login" , } ; } return { authenticated : true , } ; } , getPermissions : async ( ) => { const user = await supabaseClient . auth . getUser ( ) ; if ( user ) { return user . data . user ?. role ; } return null ; } , getIdentity : async ( ) => { const { data } = await supabaseClient . auth . getUser ( ) ; if ( data ?. user ) { return { ... data . user , name : data . user . email , } ; } return null ; } , } ; export default authProvider ;
The authProvider
is a simple object that contains all the functions that are used to handle authentication.
You can learn more about the it in the Auth Provider section.
Root component: App.tsx
Before we start, let's take a look at the App.tsx
file. This is the root component of our application. It contains the <Refine />
component. This component is the main component of Refine . It is used to configure the application and to provide the context to all the other components.
src/App.tsx import { Refine , WelcomePage } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { RefineKbar , RefineKbarProvider } from "@refinedev/kbar" ; import { dataProvider , liveProvider } from "@refinedev/supabase" ; import routerBindings , { UnsavedChangesNotifier , DocumentTitleHandler , } from "@refinedev/react-router-v6" ; import { BrowserRouter , Route , Routes } from "react-router-dom" ; import { supabaseClient } from "./utility" ; import authProvider from "./authProvider" ; import "./App.css" ; function App ( ) { return ( < BrowserRouter > < RefineKbarProvider > < Refine dataProvider = { dataProvider ( supabaseClient ) } liveProvider = { liveProvider ( supabaseClient ) } authProvider = { authProvider } routerProvider = { routerBindings } options = { { syncWithLocation : true , warnWhenUnsavedChanges : true , } } > < Routes > < Route index element = { < WelcomePage /> } /> </ Routes > < RefineKbar /> < UnsavedChangesNotifier /> < DocumentTitleHandler /> </ Refine > </ RefineKbarProvider > </ BrowserRouter > ) ; } export default App ;
In this component, Refine provides ready-to-use features with which you can easily create a CRUD application. You can find detailed information about all of them in Refine documentation.
React95 Setup Now that we have our application ready, let's start setting up the React95 theme.
src/App.tsx import original from "react95/dist/themes/original" ; import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components" ; function App ( ) { return ( < BrowserRouter > < RefineKbarProvider > < ThemeProvider theme = { original } > < Refine > { } </ Refine > </ ThemeProvider > </ RefineKbarProvider > </ BrowserRouter > ) ; } export default App ;
We import the original
theme from the react95
package and wrap our application with the ThemeProvider
component from styled-components
to provide the theme to all the components.
Login Page We will create a simple login page to demonstrate the authentication flow. We will use the useLogin
hook to handle the login process. This hook will call the login
function that is defined in the authProvider
Let's create a <LoginPage />
component in the src/pages/login/index.tsx
directory with the following code:
Login Page src/pages/login/index.tsx
import { useState } from "react" ; import { useLogin } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent , TextInput , Button , } from "react95" ; interface ILoginForm { email : string ; password : string ; } export const LoginPage = ( ) => { const [ email , setemail ] = useState ( "" ) ; const [ password , setPassword ] = useState ( "refine-supabase" ) ; const { mutate : login } = useLogin < ILoginForm > ( ) ; return ( < div style = { { display : "flex" , flexDirection : "column" , justifyContent : "center" , alignItems : "center" , textAlign : "center" , minHeight : "100vh" , backgroundColor : "rgb(0, 128, 128)" , } } > < Window > < WindowHeader active = { true } className = " window-header " > < span > Refine Login </ span > </ WindowHeader > < div style = { { marginTop : 8 } } > < img src = " " alt = " refine-logo " width = { 100 } /> </ div > < WindowContent > < form onSubmit = { ( e ) => { e . preventDefault ( ) ; login ( { email , password } ) ; } } > < div style = { { width : 500 } } > < div style = { { display : "flex" } } > < TextInput placeholder = " User Name " fullWidth value = { email } onChange = { ( e ) => { setemail ( e . target . value ) ; } } /> </ div > < br /> < TextInput placeholder = " Password " fullWidth type = " password " value = { password } onChange = { ( e ) => { setPassword ( e . target . value ) ; } } /> < br /> < Button type = " submit " value = " login " > Sign in </ Button > </ div > </ form > </ WindowContent > </ Window > </ div > ) ; } ;
Now that we've created our Login page, but we need to add it as a route to our application. Let's add it in the src/App.tsx
src/App.tsx import { Refine , Authenticated } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { NavigateToResource } from "@refinedev/react-router-v6" ; import { Outlet , Route , Routes } from "react-router-dom" ; import { LoginPage } from "./pages/login" ; function App ( ) { return ( { } < Refine > < Routes > < Route element = { < Authenticated fallback = { < Outlet /> } > < NavigateToResource /> </ Authenticated > } > < Route path = " /login " element = { < LoginPage /> } /> </ Route > </ Routes > { } </ Refine > { } ) ; } export default App ;
We added the /login
route to our application. If the user is not logged in, we will show the LoginPage
component. Otherwise, the <NavigateToResource />
component will redirect the user to the first resource' list
path in the resources
array. Currently, we don't have any resources, so we will add them in the next steps.
Now, we can access our Login page at /login
path and log in to our Supabase database.
Adding a Layout Before we start adding resources which means adding CRUD pages, we will create a layout to wrap these pages. We will create a simple layout with a header and a footer.
First, let's create a <Footer />
component in src/components/footer/index.tsx
directory with the following code:
Footer component src/components/footer/index.tsx
import React , { useState } from "react" ; import { useLogout , useNavigation } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { AppBar , Toolbar , Button , MenuList , MenuListItem } from "react95" ; export const Footer : React . FC = ( ) => { const [ open , setOpen ] = useState ( false ) ; const { mutate : logout } = useLogout ( ) ; const { push } = useNavigation ( ) ; return ( < AppBar style = { { top : "unset" , bottom : 0 } } > < Toolbar style = { { justifyContent : "space-between" } } > < div style = { { position : "relative" , display : "inline-block" } } > < Button onClick = { ( ) => setOpen ( ! open ) } active = { open } style = { { fontWeight : "bold" } } > < img src = " " alt = " refine logo " style = { { height : "20px" , marginRight : 4 } } /> </ Button > { open && ( < MenuList style = { { position : "absolute" , left : "0" , bottom : "100%" , } } onClick = { ( ) => setOpen ( false ) } > < MenuListItem onClick = { ( ) => { push ( "posts" ) ; } } > Posts </ MenuListItem > < MenuListItem onClick = { ( ) => { logout ( ) ; } } > < span role = " img " aria-label = " 🔙 " > 🔙 </ span > Logout </ MenuListItem > </ MenuList > ) } </ div > </ Toolbar > </ AppBar > ) ; } ;
Next, we will create a <Header />
component in src/components/header/index.tsx
directory with the following code:
Header component src/components/header/index.tsx
import { useState } from "react" ; import { useNavigation , useParsed } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { AppBar , Toolbar , Button , MenuList , MenuListItem } from "react95" ; export const Header = ( ) => { const [ open , setOpen ] = useState ( false ) ; const { goBack , create } = useNavigation ( ) ; const { action , resource } = useParsed ( ) ; return ( < AppBar style = { { zIndex : 1 } } > < Toolbar > < Button variant = " menu " onClick = { ( ) => setOpen ( ! open ) } active = { open } > File </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Edit </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > View </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Format </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Tools </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Table </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Window </ Button > < Button variant = " menu " disabled > Help </ Button > { open && ( < MenuList style = { { position : "absolute" , left : "0" , top : "100%" , } } onClick = { ( ) => setOpen ( false ) } > { action !== "list" && ( < MenuListItem onClick = { ( ) => { goBack ( ) ; } } > Back to { resource ?. name } </ MenuListItem > ) } { action === "list" && ( < MenuListItem onClick = { ( ) => { create ( resource ?. name ?? "" ) ) ; } } > Create { resource ?. name } </ MenuListItem > ) } </ MenuList > ) } </ Toolbar > </ AppBar > ) ; } ;
Now, we can create a <Layout />
component using the <Header />
and <Footer />
components we created above. Update a src/components/layout/index.tsx
file with the following code:
Layout component src/components/layout/index.tsx
import { PropsWithChildren } from "react" ; import { Footer } from "../footer" ; import { Header } from "../header" ; export const Layout : React . FC < PropsWithChildren > = ( { children } ) => { return ( < div > < Header /> < div style = { { padding : "72px 24px 24px 24px" , backgroundColor : "rgb(0, 128, 128)" , minHeight : "calc(100vh - 48px - 72px - 24px)" , } } > { children } </ div > < Footer /> </ div > ) ; } ;
Finally, we can use the <Layout />
component when we add routes to our application.
Let's create dummy CRUD pages for our posts
resource. Create a src/pages/posts
directory and create the following files:
src/pages/posts/list.tsx src/pages/posts/create.tsx src/pages/posts/create.tsx
import { Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent } from "react95" ; export const PostCreate = ( ) => { return ( < Window style = { { width : "100%" } } > < WindowHeader > Posts </ WindowHeader > < WindowContent > Create Page </ WindowContent > </ Window > ) ; } ;
src/pages/posts/edit.tsx import { Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent } from "react95" ; export const PostEdit = ( ) => { return ( < Window style = { { width : "100%" } } > < WindowHeader > Posts </ WindowHeader > < WindowContent > Edit Page </ WindowContent > </ Window > ) ; } ;
And finally, we can add these pages to our application. Update the src/App.tsx
file with the following code:
src/App.tsx import { Layout } from "./components/layout" ; import { LoginPage } from "./pages/login" ; import { PostList } from "./pages/posts/list" ; import { PostCreate } from "./pages/posts/create" ; import { PostEdit } from "./pages/posts/edit" ; function App ( ) { return ( < BrowserRouter > < RefineKbarProvider > < ThemeProvider theme = { original } > < Refine resources = { [ { name : "posts" , list : "/posts" , create : "/posts/create" , edit : "/posts/edit/:id" , } , ] } > < Routes > < Route element = { < Authenticated fallback = { < CatchAllNavigate to = " /login " /> } > < Layout > < Outlet /> </ Layout > </ Authenticated > } > < Route index element = { < NavigateToResource resource = " posts " /> } /> < Route path = " /posts " > < Route index element = { < PostList /> } /> < Route path = " create " element = { < PostCreate /> } /> < Route path = " edit/:id " element = { < PostEdit /> } /> </ Route > </ Route > < Route element = { < Authenticated fallback = { < Outlet /> } > < NavigateToResource /> </ Authenticated > } > < Route path = " /login " element = { < LoginPage /> } /> </ Route > </ Routes > </ Refine > </ ThemeProvider > </ RefineKbarProvider > </ BrowserRouter > ) ; } export default App ;
Create Post CRUD Pages List Page After our login process, we'll get the posts from our supabase and display them in the table. We will use React95 components for the UI portion of our table, as well as @refinedev/react-table
package to handle pagination, sorting, and filtering. You can use all the features of TanStack Table with the @refinedev/react-table
So, let's install the @refinedev/react-table
and dependencies.
npm i @refinedev/react-table @tanstack/react-table
In next steps, we'll assume that you have the following interfaces in src/interfaces/index.d.ts
You can find all interfaces in the following code snippet. src/interfaces/index.d.ts
export interface IPost { id : string ; title : string ; categories : ICategory [ ] ; } export interface ICategory { id : string ; title : string ; } export interface ICsvPost { title : string ; content : string ; categoryId : string ; }
Let's update a <PostList />
component in src/pages/posts/list.tsx
directory with the following code:
Show PostList component import React from "react" ; import { useTable } from "@refinedev/react-table" ; import { useDelete , useNavigation } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { ColumnDef , flexRender } from "@tanstack/react-table" ; import { Table , TableBody , TableHead , TableRow , TableHeadCell , TableDataCell , Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent , Button , Select , NumberInput , Hourglass , ScrollView , } from "react95" ; import { IPost } from "../../interfaces" ; export const PostList = ( ) => { const { edit } = useNavigation ( ) ; const { mutate : deletePost } = useDelete < IPost > ( ) ; const columns = React . useMemo < ColumnDef < IPost > [ ] > ( ( ) => [ { id : "id" , header : "ID" , accessorKey : "id" , } , { id : "title" , header : "Title" , accessorKey : "title" , } , { id : "categoryId" , header : "Category" , accessorKey : "categories.title" , } , { id : "action" , header : "Action" , accessorKey : "id" , cell : function render ( { getValue } ) { return ( < div style = { { display : "flex" , justifyContent : "center" , gap : 16 , } } > < Button size = " sm " onClick = { ( ) => edit ( "posts" , getValue ( ) as number ) } > Edit </ Button > <Button size="sm" onClick= { ( ) => { const id = getValue ( ) as number ; const result = window . confirm ( "Are you sure you want to delete this post?" , ) ; if ( result ) { deletePost ( { resource : "posts" , id , } ) ; } } } > Delete </ Button > </ div > ) ; } , } , ] , [ ] , ) ; const { getHeaderGroups , getRowModel , options : { pageCount } , getState , setPageIndex , setPageSize , refineCore : { tableQuery : { isLoading } , } , } = useTable < IPost > ( { columns , refineCoreProps : { meta : { select : "*, categories(*)" , } , } , } ) ; return ( < > < Window style = { { width : "100%" } } > < WindowHeader > Posts </ WindowHeader > < WindowContent > < ScrollView style = { { width : "100%" , height : "410px" } } > < Table > < TableHead > { getHeaderGroups ( ) . map ( ( headerGroup ) => ( < TableRow key = { headerGroup . id } > { headerGroup . headers . map ( ( header ) => ( < TableHeadCell key = { header . id } colSpan = { header . colSpan } onClick = { header . column . getToggleSortingHandler ( ) } > { flexRender ( header . column . columnDef . header , header . getContext ( ) , ) } </ TableHeadCell > ) ) } </ TableRow > ) ) } </ TableHead > < TableBody > { getRowModel ( ) . rows . map ( ( row ) => { return ( < TableRow key = { row . id } > { row . getVisibleCells ( ) . map ( ( cell ) => { return ( < TableDataCell key = { cell . id } > { flexRender ( cell . column . columnDef . cell , cell . getContext ( ) , ) } </ TableDataCell > ) ; } ) } </ TableRow > ) ; } ) } </ TableBody > </ Table > { isLoading && ( < div style = { { display : "flex" , justifyContent : "center" , alignItems : "center" , height : "350px" , } } > < Hourglass size = { 32 } /> </ div > ) } </ ScrollView > </ WindowContent > < div style = { { display : "flex" , justifyContent : "flex-end" , marginBottom : 8 , marginTop : 8 , alignItems : "flex-end" , } } > <Select<number> style= { { marginLeft : 8 } } value= { getState ( ) . pagination . pageSize } onChange= { ( option ) => { setPageSize ( option . value ) ; } } options= { pageSizeOptions } defaultValue= { 10 } > </ Select > < span style = { { marginLeft : 8 } } > Page { " " } < strong > { getState ( ) . pagination . pageIndex + 1 } of { pageCount } </ strong > < span style = { { marginLeft : 8 } } > Go to page: < NumberInput style = { { marginLeft : 8 } } min = { 1 } defaultValue = { getState ( ) . pagination . pageIndex + 1 } width = { 130 } onChange = { ( value ) => { const page = value ? Number ( value ) - 1 : 0 ; setPageIndex ( page ) ; } } /> </ span > </ span > </ div > </ Window > </ > ) ; } ; const pageSizeOptions = [ { value : 10 , label : "10" } , { value : 20 , label : "20" } , { value : 30 , label : "30" } , { value : 40 , label : "40" } , ] ;
We used the useTable
hook to fetch the data for the table. It makes a request to the /posts
endpoint with the query parameters. The query parameters are used to filter, sort, and paginate the posts. Since we defined the posts resource in src/App.tsx
, the useTable
hook knows which endpoint to use for fetching the data.
After fetching the data, we used the React95 table components to render the data. We also added delete button and edit button to each row. When the user clicks the delete button, we call the deletePost
function with the resource
and id
parameters. The deletePost
function is provided by the useDelete
hook. When the user clicks the edit button, we call the edit
function with the "posts" resource and the post id to navigate to the edit page.
Create Page and Edit Page We have created our post list page. Now we will create page where we can create posts. Refine provides a @refinedev/react-hook-form
adapter that you can use all the features of React Hook Form with Refine . We will use this to manage our form state.
So, let's install the @refinedev/react-hook-form
and dependencies.
npm i @refinedev/react-hook-form react-hook-form
Let's update a <PostCreate />
component in src/pages/posts/create.tsx
directory with the following code:
Show PostCreate component src/pages/posts/create.tsx
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { Select , GroupBox , Button , TextInput , Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent , } from "react95" ; import { Controller } from "react-hook-form" ; export const PostCreate : React . FC = ( ) => { const { refineCore : { onFinish , formLoading } , register , handleSubmit , control , formState : { errors } , } = useForm ( ) ; const { options } = useSelect ( { resource : "categories" , } ) ; return ( < Window style = { { width : "100%" , height : "100%" } } > < WindowHeader > < span > Create Post </ span > </ WindowHeader > < WindowContent > < form onSubmit = { handleSubmit ( onFinish ) } > < label > Title: </ label > < br /> < br /> < TextInput { ... register ( "title" , { required : true } ) } placeholder = " Type here... " /> { errors . title && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < br /> < Controller name = " categoryId " control = { control } render = { ( { field : { onChange , value } } ) => ( < GroupBox label = { "Category" } > < Select options = { options } menuMaxHeight = { 160 } width = { 160 } variant = " flat " onChange = { ( option ) => onChange ( option . value ) } value = { value } /> </ GroupBox > ) } /> { errors . category && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < label > Content: </ label > < br /> < TextInput { ... register ( "content" , { required : true } ) } multiline rows = { 10 } cols = { 50 } /> { errors . content && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < Button type = " submit " value = " Submit " > Submit </ Button > { formLoading && < p > Loading </ p > } </ form > </ WindowContent > </ Window > ) ; } ;
Now, let's update a <PostEdit />
component in src/pages/posts/edit.tsx
directory with the following code:
Show PostEdit Component import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form" ; import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core" ; import { Select , GroupBox , Button , TextInput , Window , WindowHeader , WindowContent , } from "react95" ; import { Controller } from "react-hook-form" ; export const PostEdit : React . FC = ( ) => { const { refineCore : { onFinish , formLoading } , register , handleSubmit , control , formState : { errors } , } = useForm ( ) ; const { options } = useSelect ( { resource : "categories" , } ) ; return ( < Window style = { { width : "100%" , height : "100%" } } > < WindowHeader active = { true } className = " window-header " > < span > Edit Post </ span > </ WindowHeader > < WindowContent > < form onSubmit = { handleSubmit ( onFinish ) } > < label > Title: </ label > < br /> < TextInput { ... register ( "title" , { required : true } ) } placeholder = " Type here... " /> { errors . title && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < br /> < Controller name = " categoryId " control = { control } render = { ( { field : { onChange , value } } ) => ( < GroupBox label = { "Category" } > < Select options = { options } menuMaxHeight = { 160 } width = { 160 } variant = " flat " onChange = { ( option ) => onChange ( option . value ) } value = { value } /> </ GroupBox > ) } /> { errors . category && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < label > Content: </ label > < br /> < TextInput { ... register ( "content" , { required : true } ) } multiline rows = { 10 } cols = { 50 } /> { errors . content && < span > This field is required </ span > } < br /> < Button type = " submit " value = " Submit " > Submit </ Button > { formLoading && < p > Loading </ p > } </ form > </ WindowContent > </ Window > ) ; } ;
Edit and create pages almost look the same. We can use the same form for both pages. useForm
hook knows which action we are performing. For example, if we are on the edit page, it will automatically fetch the post data and fill the form with it.
Project Overview Live CodeSandbox Example Conclusion Refine is a very powerful and flexible internal tool development framework. The features it provides will greatly reduce your development time. In this example, we have shown step-by-step how a development can be quick and easy using a custom UI and refine-core features. Refine does not restrict you, and it delivers almost all of your project's requirements via the hooks it provides, regardless of the UI.